The mountains of Southwest Colorado near Ouray, Silverton, and Telluride are truly incredible... definitely my favorite area of Colorado that I've seen so far. After hiking Blue Lakes, I drove up the Million Dollar Highway to Silverton, and headed out on the Alpine Loop, a 4x4 route into the heart of the San Juans. Thanks to my dad's XTerra I was able to easily get up to Animus Forks, and then over 12,700ft Cinnamon Pass, ending up in the beautiful American Basin. There were more people than I expected around, but still relatively uncrowded thanks to the long rough road only accessible to true 4x4 vehicles. I ended up spending the night here, capturing a night sky exposure along the creek running out of American Basin. I also included here photos from Alta ghost town, Alta Lakes, Ophir Pass, and Last Dollar Pass which I explored the following afternoon.